Sam Strickland

The Behaviour Manual

Over 100 ideas, strategies, approaches, and teaching methods are included in The Behaviour Manual.

An educator's guidebook to assist any school, leader, middle leader, teacher, ECT, or ITT in taking a proactive stance on behaviour. It was created to assist the entire profession as well as individuals at any level and with any level of experience.

The book is broken down into three portions. The first section looks at the Mothership (school) and the role that leaders at all levels can play. Including sections on; ‘Defining your Ethos,’ ‘Standards and Expectations,’ ‘What Do You Permit?’ and ‘Holding your Nerve.’

The second section examines the role of the Satellites (the school's core areas) and the critical role that middle leaders play. Including sections on; ‘Safeguarding,’ ‘Your Kingdom’ and ‘Ofsted Questions.’

The third portion examines the micro level, focusing on the role of teachers and providing a variety of ways that instructors can use. Including sections on; ‘Planning for Positive Behaviour,’ ‘Building Positive Relationships’ and ‘I/We/You.’

Over a one- or two-page spread, each of the 100+ techniques is explained. Each layout begins with an overview of the strategy, which is then deconstructed to show how it works or might be applied, before concluding with a cautious warning and advising tip. This book was produced with the intention of assisting, supporting, and advising, with no waffle, padding, or fluff.

This is the book for you if you want to pick up, read, and comprehend a crucial method or strategy in less than 5-10 minutes. It is based on expertise, experience, and research, and it is purposefully written in a clear, straightforward, and open language that leaves no doubt about how any of the ideas presented work and may be implemented in your school.

Quotes of the book

‘If I take each layer of the staffing body, then the new teachers are essentially younglings, the developing teachers are the Pawdawan learners and you, as a leader, are a Jedi Knight.’

‘The culture of the school is set by the head.’

"Effective behavior management is about creating a positive and supportive learning environment for all students."

"The key to successful behavior management is building positive relationships with students and establishing clear expectations and boundaries."

"Effective behavior management is about recognizing and responding to the individual needs of students."

"Self-reflection and self-awareness are essential skills for effective behavior management, as they allow us to better understand ourselves and our impact on our students."

"By developing our behavior management skills, we can create a positive and supportive learning environment that fosters student engagement and success."

"Effective behavior management is not about punishment, but about teaching and supporting students to make positive choices."

"The best educators are those who are able to adapt their behavior management strategies to meet the needs of their students."

"Effective behavior management is about promoting positive behaviors and reinforcing them through positive reinforcement."

"The key to successful behavior management is the ability to create a culture of respect and understanding within the classroom."

"Effective behavior management is about creating a positive and supportive learning environment that fosters student engagement and success, and is essential for the success of both the teacher and the students."

Sam Strickland

What HeadteacherChat thought of ‘The Behaviour Manual’

We liked how the book is divided into three sections: 'Mothership,' 'Satellites,' and 'Micro-Levels,' which makes it easy to follow.

We liked how each segment included a warning and some suggestions. Clear and concise information

We enjoyed the book's several tactics, such as "Restorative Justice," "Making the Small Stuff the Big Staff," and "Visible Leaders."

"This is a fantastic book with a wealth of thoughtful and useful material and perspectives for school leaders. This is the book for you if you are interested in everything regarding behaviour management.'

Jonathan Coy


May 2022